This is a BETA version of the product. In the end it needs to be flawless and we need your professional advice and experience to improve this product. For sure, it will help to excite and wonder your viewers even more! Participate in developing, testing, and upgrading the product, using our special price for Beta version.
The first customizable graphic LED jump rope. Short affordable edition, suitable for kids.
Upload pictures into skipping rope using Ignis Pixel app on your mobile phone or desktop app. This also makes your phone a remote controller for your pixel jump rope: launch and switch pictures at a distance right from phone (for Android and iOS).
While you jump your friend can change pictures, colors, brightness.
Built-in Wireless Sync option, compatible with DMX Remote Control for big and circus stages.
Smart rope has:
- Training statistics in the mobile app: training time, the number of jumps, pace, calories burned, etc.
- Image stabilization retains stretch and position of patterns in the air independently on jump pace.
*Some training statistics is still beta and may be not accurate. It will be improved with firmware updates.
Since this product is under development some photos can be different from resulting product. Clarify this if necessary.
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